There is a brand that gives plants more value. That brand is MoreLIPS. A consistent look - over 60 different green and flowering potted plants. Your Green Present.
Turn plants into gift items and get more out of your plant shelves with MoreLIPS. Give your plant section a visual boost with MoreLIPS. Follow in the footsteps of other retailers who have seen an increase in turnover with this upgrade. Each plant is packaged in a distinctive sleeve. The experience is essential, with the design encouraging impulse buys. In addition, MoreLIPS helps from behind the scenes, with the selection, category management and more.
Selling plants more effectively starts with smarter shelving. MoreLIPS can help you with that. We work with you to invest in an optimal shelf presentation. The display can be customised to fit your own shelving, or you can use a display trolley or a shelving solution from MoreLIPS.